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Bengaluru man shares 3 observations after visiting Delhi’s ‘most expensive mall’

Bengaluru YouTuber Ishan Sharma, who was criticised for calling the tipping system in New York a “scam” in August, shared three things he noticed after visiting Delhi’s “most expensive mall” DLF-Emporio.
Located in Delhi’s opulent Vasant Kunj area, DLF-Emporio houses over 100 luxury brand stores. However, Sharma wasn’t pleased about several things, including the “partly ignorant and elitist treatment” by the employees.
“I just visited Delhi’s most expensive mall: DLF Emporio. Here are 3 things I noticed,” Sharma said in his post that has garnered over 37,000 views so far.
The first point that Sharma cited was “sensory branding”, explaining: “There’s a consistent aroma when you step into the mall which gives it an opulent and elegant vibe.”
Soon after he visited DLF Promenade nearby, Sharma said that he “instantly felt the difference”.
“Negative space” was the second point that he noted, saying: “There were so few products at display; it almost felt like a waste of space. But that’s how people perceive luxury. Few items and low supply makes it look higher value, hence justifying the price.”
In the third point, Sharma expressed his disappointment over the “treatment” of the staff.
“A Cartier doorman asked us to wait in line and there was no one to attend us when we did get inside. This partly ignorant and elitist treatment makes you crave their acceptance even more. My friend ranted about it for the rest of the evening expecting good service. It makes no sense at start, but works well for luxury brands. And this is how they command a higher price and keep their luxury image,” he said.
See the post here:
Ishan Sharma had triggered a debate earlier this year with his post on the tipping culture in the US. The YouTuber said that he was displeased upon his visit to a restaurant in New York as the waiter refused to return his $5 change after he paid $50 for a $45 meal.
